Post Quarantine Rust at Duafe

This last week we serviced a lot of clients.  There were clients that we have seen monthly for years, while others were brand new to Duafe.  Our free consultations grew from week to week and I am happy to be back in the shop, fully engaged, hosting the free consultations.  What our team realized is that we needed a Wing Man/Woman role that could talk to the new people in Duafe, while helping our team fulfill valued service requests.  For now, that’s my role.

I’m really excited about this new role.  I have been stationed behind a salon chair for the last 20 years, so it feels good to move about and coach...and meet new clients...and hear new stories...and cry with Sisters who have lost their hair.  It reminds me of the beginning when it was only Me.  I had to do everything for my 12 or so clients.  It slowly fact, I’m sorry, it quickly grew to over 100 people.  Now we service hundreds of people weekly.  I’m grateful for your support. 

My biggest complaint is that the COVID-19 quarantine was sooooo lonnnggg that our team has not found its stride.  I don’t know if you visited last week or the week before, but if you pay attention you can tell we are rusty.  Don’t get me wrong, we are still using the same great all natural products and people are still leaving with their hair “LAID!”, but I am speaking on our energy, better yet, SYNERGY.

For example, we did a ton of free hair consultations but we got some feedback that a person was not happy because he got different treatment from his wife.  She was super-happy about her visit.  He was not.  I’m extremely happy that we talked to them.  I’m even more happy that they told us the truth.  They are graceful and will give us a second chance to earn their business, but I know why this happened.  We are rusty.

Please remain patient with us, as we work off the rust.  Keep in mind that the pandemic had invisible effects on Us.  Who knew?  Stay safe.

